
The main elements of a marketing campaign

The main elements of a marketing campaign
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Here are the 7 most important elements of a marketing campaign that you need when planning and executing your marketing campaigns.

Marketing Campaign Goals

By setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timelined), a company remains focused, keeps moving in one direction and ultimately proves the overall effectiveness of a marketing campaign. A clear understanding of the mission of the campaign along with measurable targets is the key to success.

Understanding Your Ideal Customer Profile

Knowing what your customers need is the essence of any successful business. Profile your ideal customer to understand who they are, what problems they have, and where they look for solutions. When you have a clear persona, it becomes much easier to create content and identify channels.

Messaging focused on the end-user

The most critical step companies skip is within the mission of the marketing campaigns they hope to launch. Most companies endeavor to launch campaigns to raise awareness about their products or services, but this is a flawed perspective. Rather than focusing on revenue generation, companies should focus their campaigns on positive benefits for the end-users — on the end users’ return on investment.

Quality Content About the Need

Once you understand the customer’s unique challenge, you can offer them a variety of possible solutions using high-quality content. When a customer is in the early stages of making a purchase decision, they don’t want to be bombarded with sales pitches, they just want basic questions answered. Ensure that this type of information is readily available (blogs, ebooks, how-to guides, etc.). And the further they get in the funnel, the more they’re likely to want detailed information (white papers, research studies). By providing quality content every step of the way and walking your customers through the buying process, they’ll see you as a leader in your industry and a resource they can turn to when they need answers.

Promotion of Content

Making good content matters. However, the content will only help you if it is read. Find out where your customers are getting their information. Are they going to social media – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn – or reading your emails and newsletters? Or are they getting information from your blog, do they prefer video content, or do you not know their exact preferences? Research, test and track what works best. And keep advertising, advertising, advertising.

Call To Action

Remember to include a call to action (CTA). What do you want them to do? Maybe it’s downloading an ebook, signing up for your newsletter, or attending an event. As you create the CTA, keep in mind that it should be created for a single stage of the buying cycle. For example, if a customer is in the early stages and reading a blog, they probably aren’t interested in signing up for a product demonstration yet. However, it might be a good idea to get him to download your e-book.

An alignment of message, values and voice

Put your messages together and develop your core values. If a company is not aligned with its voice – or its values – the marketing campaign will fall flat. Consumers want to know not only what a company does, but what it stands for, and they want to understand it. A framework of key messages, informed by values, helps to successfully integrate marketing efforts.

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